داستان آبیدیک

transcendental materialism


1 علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی:: ماتریالیسم متعالی

The subject's acceptance of core harms and their various manifestations can be best explained in a theoretical framework of transcendental materialism, with a focus on the process of deaptation, which proliferates harms as morbid symptoms appearing in the tension between a changing real world and ossified ideologies. Transcendental Materialism, the Subject and the Fundamental Fantasy The majority's frustrating acceptance of neoliberalism's plutocratic non-relation and their refusal to make a significant initial political move against neoliberalism can perhaps be best explained in the philosophical framework of transcendental materialism (Johnston 2008; Hall 2012a; Winlow and Hall 2013; Wakeman 2017). Transcendental materialism suggests that although the forces and processes in the deep system, or what critical realists call the 'intransitive'realm (Bhaskar 2008), seem to act independently of our knowledge and activity, this realm is a product of the historical accumulation of actions that are constantly and systematically fetishistically disavowed and ultimately made unconscious. Transcendental materialism offers a potent conception of subjectivity (see Johnston 2008; Hall 2012a, b).

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